Caregiver Tips to Combat Stress

Author Paula Spencer Scott offers five simple solutions to combat stress and fatigue associated with caregiving, encouraging 10 minutes per day of time to yourself.

Finding Balance to Maintain Family Life

The person of care in your life isn’t the only one who needs you – your family and friends do, too. In this article, Carol Bradley Bursack dives into the difficulties we face in finding balance, and how to re-prioritize.

Defining Normal Aging

What is normal, healthy aging, and what do we know about it? This publication from the National Institute on Aging addresses healthy aging, the links between aging and disease, and what it means for you.

Finding Support through a Non-Profit Organization

The variety of diseases and illnesses that plague older adults is immense. Find an organization that may offer resources, support and information on the particular condition your loved one is experiencing, with this health finder from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.